enty-four, entitled "An act to encourage the destruction
of hawks in Harford and "Worcester counties.................
No. 387. An act to add a fifth sub-section to section thirty
of article fifty-six of the Code of Public General Laws of
this State, title " Licenses," sub-title " Foreign Corpora-
tions and Companies," as amended at the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, chapter one hundred
and six, and to amend and re-enact sections thirty-one and
thirty-two of said article as so amended, and to amend
and re-enact section one hundred and five of article twenty-
six of the Code of Public General Laws, title " Corpora-
tions," sub title " Insurance Companies," as also amended
by said chapter one hundred and six of the acts of eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight.........................................
No. 388. An act to give and declare the sanction and assent
of the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest of
one thousand dollars to the legal representatives of Trinity
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Boonsboro, Washington
county, Maryland, contained in the last will and testament
of Frisby Davis, late of said county, deceased...............
No. 389. An act directing the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore city, the present custodians of the estate of Sarah
Ann Fowler, and held by them to the credit of the Board
of Commissioners of Public Schools of Baltimore city, to
pay over to Martha Rockhold, Caroline Crook, Ann E.
Jennings and George Fowler Jennings, an amount equal
to one-third of said estate..........................................
No. 390. An act to authorize George H. Meckins, of Dor-
chester county, to erect a gate on the county road in
Meekins' Neck, leading to Fishing creek, in Hooper's
island district, of said county, and opposite said George
H. Meekins' farm.....................................................
No. 391. An act to authorize the County School Commis-
sioners of Dorchester county to sell and convey to the
trustees of the M. E. Church South, a part of a lot of
ground not needed, of school number two, election dis-
trict number six, or Hooper's island.............................
No. 392. An act to repeal section one of chapter four hun-
dred and five of the laws passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act for
the better protection of partridges, woodcock, pheasants