No. 38. An act to repeal the various acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland authorizing and directing the pay-
ment of bounties to volunteers and drafted men mustered
into the service of the United States and credited to the
State of Maryland during the late war, and to prohibit the
further payment of bounties under said acts..................
No. 39. An act to authorize the Baltimore and Hanover
Railroad Company to consolidate with the Bachman Val-
ley Railroad Company of Pennsylvania, and the Hanover
Junction, Hanover and Gettysburg Railroad Company
and certain other corporations now or hereafter to be
chartered by the State of Pennsylvania........................
No. 40. An act to protect oysters in certain waters of Mano-
kin River in Somerset county....................................
No. 41. An act to amend article thirty-five of the Code of
Public General Laws of this State, title " Elections," sub-
title " Electors of President and Vice President," by
amending and re enacting as amended section seventy-two
of said article, and by adding an additional section to said
article, under said sub title, relating to said Electors, to be
known as section seventy-two A.................................
No. 42. An act to permit the shooting of wild fowl from sink
boxes in certain parts of Sassafras River, in Cecil and
Kent counties, west of a line drawn from Pond's Bar, on
the Kent side, to Ordinary Point Bar, on the Cecil side...
No. 43. An act to amend the charter of the Franklin Bank
of Baltimore and to provide for a change of the corporate
name of the same, from the President and Directors of the
Franklin Bank of Baltimore, to the Corn Exchange Bank
of Baltimore .........................................................
No. 44. An act to declare the sanction of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to the devise of Mary J. S. Audoin,
late of the city of Baltimore, deceased, to Saint Joseph's
Apostolic Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Mis-
sions, of Baltimore city.............................................
No. 45. An art to give and declare the assent, sanction and
consent of the General Assembly of Maryland to the leg-
acy or bequest of one thousand dollars, willed and be-
queathed by John A. Gambrel, late of the city of Balti-