SUB SEC. 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the County Commissioners
of Kent county shall have full power and authority
to make reasonable rules and regulations for the
Make rules
receipt and delivery of freight, at or upon the public
wharves in Kent county, and to enforce the observ-
and regula-
ance of said rules and regulations, by imposing upon
the party violating the same any reasonable fine not
exceeding two dollars for any one violation, which
fines shall be collected from all residents of the coun-
ty as small debts are now collected, and from non-
residents cf the county by attachment, as set forth
in the next section.
SUB-SEC 2. And be it further enacted, That said
coxinty commissioners are hereby authorized to col-
lect reasonable wharfage for the use of said public
wharves, from all vessels using the same, and that
the vessel or cargo shall be liable therefor by process
of attachment, the owner, master or other person
in charge of said vessel or cargo, to be made defend-
Collect rea-
ant in such attachment, which attachment shall be
sonable whar-
according to the established practice in this State in
other cases, except that the affidavit required under
the established practice may, in the cases arising
under these sections, be made by the wharf master
in charge of said county commissioners ; and execu-
tion may issue upon any judgment of condemnation,
rendered under these sections, thirty days after said
judgment is rendered.
SUB SEC. 3. The rules and regulations authorized
by the preceding section shall De printed and fur-
nished by the county commissioners to the several
Rules to be
wharf masters, for the information of the public, who
shall be bound, upon request, to exhibit a copy thereof
to the owner, master or other person in charge of a
vesnel using any of said public wharves, or to any
person receiving or delivering freight thereon.
SUB-SEC. 4:. The county commissioners may ap-
point or qualify, between the first day of April and
wharf mas-
first day of May in each year, one wharf master for
each and every public wharf in said county, unless
in their discretion the business of any wharf may
not be sufficient to justify said appointment ; and