order all or any animals coming into the State to be
detained at any place or places for the purpose of
inspection and examination ; provided that animals
coming from a neighboring State that have passed
a veterinary examination in said State, and have
been quarantined and discharged, shall not be sub-
ject to the provisions of this act ; to prescribe regu-
lations for the destruction of animals affected with
infectious or contagious disease, or of those in direct
contact with such and liable to spread the disease,
and for the proper disposition of their hides and
carcasses, and of all objects which might convey
infection or contagion ; provided that no animal shall
be destroyed unless first examined by a medical or
Who to ex-
veterinary practitioner in the employ of the Gov-
ernor as aforesaid ; to prescribe regulations for the
disinfection of all premises, buildings and railway
cars, and of all objects from or by which infection or
contagion may take place or be conveyed ; to alter
and modify, from time to time, as he may deem ex-
pedient, the terms of all such proclamations, orders
and regulations, and to cancel or withdraw the same
at any time.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That any person who
shall transgress the terms or requirements of any
proclamation, order or regulation issued or prescribed
by the Governor under the authority of this act,
Not to trans-
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall sell, or otherwise dispose of an animal which
Fine for vio-
he knows or has reason to believe is affected by the
disease, or has been exposed to the same, shall forfeit
to the State not less than fifty nor more than one
hundred dollars.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all the necessary
expenses incurred under direction or by authority
of the Governor, in carrying out the provisions of
this act, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of any
Expenses ?
how paid.
moneys not otherwise appropriated, and upon the
warrant of the Comptroller on being certified as cor-
rect by the Governor.