lars ; for the expense of the State Board of Health,
including the salary of Secretary of said board,
twenty-five hundred dollars ; to the State Yaccine
Agent, for his salary, six hundred dollars, and to de-
fray the expenses incurred by him in procuring re-
liable vaccine virus, six hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary ; to J. Harris Forbes,
for two months' work in Treasurer's office during
illness of Chief Clerk to the Treasurer, two hundred
For miscella-
dollars ; to the Board of Public "Works for the re-
neous purpo-
pairing of the Eastern Hay Scales, at Canton, Balti-
more county, two hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary ; to the State Librarian,
for the purchase of stationery, one hundred and
fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary ; to the Harbor and River Relief Board of Bal-
timore, for the ice boat Maryland, ten thousand
dollars ; to the House of the Good Shepherd, two
thousand dollars, and for addition to buildings, ten
thousand dollars; to the President and Board of
Directors of the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum of
the city of Baltimore, fifteen hundred dollars ; to
Medairy and Bowers for stationery furnished, nine-
ty-eight dollars and five cents; to the Board of
Public Works, the sum of ten thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, for the com-
pletion of the repairs of the interior of the State
To the Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of
Salaries dur-
the House of Delegates, for salaries during the recess
ing recess.
of the Legislature, three hundred dollars each ? six
hundred dollars.
To the payment of interest on the public debt of
the State, including cost of exchange, remittance and
Interest on
commissions, for so much thereof as is payable in
public debt.
London, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of
the State shall, on the warrant of the Comptroller,