appeal within ten days after judgment, and shall
within ten days after judgment pay the costs that
have accrued, and deliver to said justice of the peace
an appeal bond with two or more sureties, to be ap-
Appeal bond.
proved by said justice of the peace, executed to the
State of Maryland, in the penalty of double the
amount of fine or penalty adjudged by said justice
of the peace, said bond to be conditioned for the
successful prosecution of said appeal.
SEC. 21. And, be enacted, That all money paid
into the treasury of the State, under the provisions
Money — how
of this act, shall be placed to the credit of the "oys-
ter fund."
SEC. 22. And be enacted, That the provisions of
this act shall not apply to the citizens of the State
Not to apply.
of Virginia.
SEC. 23. And be enacted, That this act shall take
effect upon the approval of this act, and the passage
How effective
of a similar act by the State of Yirginia.
Approved March 15, 1880.
AN ACT to repeal the various Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland authorizing and directing
the payment of bounties to volunteers and draft-
ed men mustered into the service of the United
States and credited to the State of Maryland dur-
ing the late war, and to prohibit the further pay-
ment of bounties under said acts.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the act passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty four, chapter
fifteen, entitled "An act to aid and encourage enlist-