of the circuit courts of the counties bordering on
the Potomac Eiver, the requisite number of such
blank licences as are required by the provisions of
this act, and said clerks shall, on the first Mondays
Deliver blank
of March and December in each year, return to the
Comptroller a list and account of such licenses is-
sued by them ; and no license to catch oysters with
rakes or tongs shall be issued to any boat or vessel
which is licensed to take oysters with scoop, dredge,
drag or any similar implement.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That it shall be un-
lawful for any person to catch oysters on Sunday or
at night with scoop, dredge, drag or similar imple-
ment, or by tongs ; any person violating this section
shall be fined a sum of not less than fifty dollars
Fine for vio-
nor more than one hundred dollars, the fine and
costs of prosecution to be a lien on the boat, vessel
and equipments used in violating the provisions
of this section, and the case shall be tried and dis-
posed of, and the fine and costs collected and paid
over as provided in section six of this act.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the officers of the State Fishery force, the
Arrest for
sheriffs, constables and licensed tongsmen of the
counties bordering on the Potomac River, to arrest
any person found violating the provisions of this
act, and to seize all boats, vessels and equipments
engaged or used in such violation, and to bring the
Seize boats,
offenders before a judge of the circuit court or a
vessels, &c.
justice of the peace, most convenient or accessible,
to be dealt with as by this act provided, and to hold
such boats, vessels and equipments to be disposed of
to secure the payment of such fines and costs of
prosecution adjudged as hereinbefore provided by
preceding sections of this act.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That upon information
given on oath to any judge or justice of the peace of
any violation of any of the provisions of this act,
he shall issue his warrant for the arrest of the offend-
Issue war-
er and the seizure of the boat, vessel and equip-
rants for ar-
ments, which warrant shall be directed to the sher-
iff, constable or any licensed tongsman of the coun-
ty wherein such warrant is issued, or to any officer