garnishee properly subject to attachment, and no
judgment of condemnation nisi shall be made abso-
lute without such proof ; provided, that in all cases
in which a garnishee has been summoned, at any
time after the return of the writ, the plaintiff may
file interrogatories in the cause, which shall be served
File inter-
by the sheriff upon the garnishee within ten days
thereafter, or if the garnishee shall be a non-resi-
dent of the State, shall be served upon the garnishee
by some person to be appointed by the court in
which the case is pending, and if the garnishee shall
fail to answer said interrogatories within twenty
days after the service of the interrogatories upon
him, then, upon proof of such service, the plaintiff
shall be entitled to judgment against the garnishee
for the amount of the claim of the plaintiff for
which the attachment was issued.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 9, 1880.
AN ACT to continue the corporate existence of the
Chesapeake Bank.
WHEREAS to enable the said corporation to liqui-
date and wind up its business, it is necessary that
its corporate powers be continued ; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Chesapeake Bank, a cor-
poration duly incorporated by act of Assembly
Continued in
passed December session, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-five, chapter three hundred and thir-
teen, be and the same is hereby continued in exist-
ence as a corporation for the term often years from
the passage of this act, and until the end of the ses-
sion of the General Assembly which shall happen