SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Public Works is empowered and directed to purchase
for each of the guard boats such arms and ammu-
nition as may be necessary to make them efficient.
SEC. 26. Be it enacted, That for the more efficient
working of the State Fishery Force, the waters of
Divide into
this State shall be divided into seven districts, of
which the waters of Kent county and Queen Anne's
shall be the first; the waters of Queen Anne's and
Talbot shall be the second ; the waters of Dorchester
and Talbot the third ; the waters of Wicomico the
fourth; the waters of Somerset county the fifth;
the waters of Anne Arundel county the sixth ; the
waters of St. Mary's, Charles and Calvert the sev-
enth ; each of the said districts shall be guarded by
one sailing vessel, except the third and seventh,
How guarded
which shall be guarded by two ; and it shall be the
duty of the deputy commander of the first district
to guard the waters of Chester river belonging to
Queen Anne's county, and the waters of Kent coun-
ty, including Swan Point Bar; and the duty of the
commander of the second district to guard the
waters of Eastern bay and its tributaries, and the
waters of Talbot county as far down as Black Wal-
nut Point ; and it shall be the duty of one of the
deputy commanders of the third district to guard the
waters of Choptank river and its tributaries which
lay in Talbot county; and the duty of the com-
mander of Wicomico county boat to guard the waters
of Wicomico county, and the line between Somerset
and Wicomico county; and the remaining com-
manders to guard their respective districts ; provided
that the Board of Public Works or the commander
of the Fishery Force are hereby authorized and em-
Perform du-
ties in other
powered to order the deputy commanders to do duty
in any of the waters in this State, when in the
judgment of either they may deem it necessary.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Public Works shall have power to appoint a suitable
Power to ap-
person to command said force; to appoint the deputy
commanders for their respective districts from per-
sons of the counties whose waters comprise the dif-
ferent districts, who shall be commissioned by the
Governor, and the said commander and deputy