wise, of any person, shall, after the giving and during
the existence of the notice provided for in the next
section, have a right of action in his or her own
name, severally or jointly, against any person or
persons or body corporate who, by selling or giving
intoxicating liquors have caused the intoxication, in
whole or in part, of such person, and the owner of
any building or premises, and the person renting or
leasing the same, having knowledge that intoxicat-
ing liquors are to be sold therein, or who having
leased the same for other purposes, knowingly per-
mits intoxicating liquors to be sold therein, that have
caused the intoxication, in whole or in part, of such
person, shall be liable severally or jointly, with the
Liable for
person or persons or body corporate selling or giv-
ing intoxicating liquors as aforesaid, for all damages
sustained, as well as exemplary damages.
SEC. 143. Such husband, wife, child, parent, guar-
dian or other interested person liable to be so in-
jured by any sale of intoxicating liquors to any per-
son, and desiring to prevent the sale of intoxicating
liquors to such person, shall give notice either ver-
bally before a witness, or in writing, to the person or
persons so selling or giving his intoxicating liquors,
or to the owner or lessor of the premises wherein
Give notice.
such intoxicating liquors are given or sold, or file
with the nearest justice of the peace in the city,
town or district wherein such intoxicating liquors ,
may be sold, notice to all liquor dealers not to sell
to such person any intoxicating liquors from and
after ten days from the date of so filing such notice.
SEC. 144. Such notice, filed with said justice of
the peace, shall be entered by him in a book to be
kept for such purpose, which shall be open for the
inspection of all persons interested ; and any notice
entered in such book shall, by the justice of the peace
having charge of the same, be erased and so obliter-
Notice to be
ated as not to be legible, upon the demand of the per-
son by whom such notice was filed, and thereafter
such notice shall cease and end, and said justice of
the peace shall be entitled to demand and receive a
fee of ten cents for the filing and entry of every such