ship, or as parsonages which are necessary for the
respective uses thereof; nor shall the provisions of
said preceding section apply to graveyards, ceme-
Not to apply
teries or cemetery companies which do not accumu-
to cemeteries,
late profits for any purpose except the maintenance
or improvement of such cemeteries or graveyards as
cemeteries or graveyards ; nor to burying grounds
set apart for the use of any family, or belonging to
any church or congregation, or to the crop or pro-
duce of any land in this State in the hands of the
producer or his agent ; or to the provisions kept for
the use and consumption of the family of the per-
son to whom the same shall belong; or to the woik-
ing tools of mechanics and manufacturers, moved
or worked exclusively by hand ; or to wearing apparel
of any description ; or to fish while in the possession
of the fishermen employed in catching, salting and
packing the same, or while in the possession of their
agents unsold ; or to the buildings, equipment and
Not to apply
furniture of hospitals, asylums, charitable or benev-
to benevolent
olent institutions, or to the grounds appurtenant
thereto, in any city or incorporated town in this
State which is necessary for the respective uses
thereof; nor to the buildings, equipment and furni-
ture of hospitals, asylums, charitable or benevolent
institutions in any county of this State, but not
within any city or incorporated town in this State,
nor to the ground not exceeding forty acres appur-
tenant respectively thereto, which is necessary for
the respective uses thereof; nor to the buildings,
Not to apply
to libraries,
furniture, equipment or libraries of incorporated
educational or literary institutions, or to the ground
appurtenant thereto in any city or incorporated
town in this State, which is necessary for the re-
spective uses thereof; nor to the buildings, furni-
ture, equipment or libraries of incorporated educa-
tional or literary institutions in any county of this
State, but not within any city or incorporated town
in this State, nor to the ground not exceeding forty
acres appurtenant respectively thereto, which is nec-
essary for the respective uses thereof; nor to the
Not to apply
property, real or personal, of any corporation incor-
to corpo-
porated by this State and having a capital stock di-
rations, &c.
vided into shares, when said shares only are subject
to taxation under the laws of this State ; nor to any
shares of stock in any corporation when said shares