hotel and other necessary expenses; he shall also provide him-
self with such office fixtures and appliances as the needs of the
office may require; and at the end of each year, accounting
from the date of his qualification as fire marshal, he shall make
to the Comptroller, under oath, a full report of the receipts and
disbursements received and made by him during the preceding
year, and shall at the same time pay into the State treasury
any balance of said sum of fifty-five hundred dollars ($5, 500)
that may then remain unexpended; and the said fire marshal
shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate account of the
finances of his office, and shall also keep or cause to be kept
an accurate record of his official acts.
1894, ch. 248. 1906, ch. 709, sec. 5.
207. The fire marshal shall have an office in the city of
Baltimore, but in making examinations as to fires occurring
outside of the city of Baltimore, the fire marshal or the
deputy fire marshal, or both, when, in his judgment the
proper discharge of his or their duties require it, shall visit
the county, town or city, where such fire or fires occurred or
where it is necessary to examine buildings as to proper fire
escapes or exits therefrom.
1894, ch. 248. Ibid, sec. 6.
208. The fire marshal or deputy fire marshal shall at the
request of the board of fire commissioners of the city of
Baltimore, or the county commissioners of any county, or the
municipal authorities of any incorporated city or town in this
State, make to them a written report of the examination made
by him or them regarding any fire happening within their
respective jurisdiction.
Approved April 3, 1906.
Mining Companies.
1906, ch. 178.
227. No corporation formed under this article for any of
the purposes mentioned in classes 9, 10, 11 and 12 (Sections
24, 25, 26 and 27), as hereinbefore designated, shall hold more
than one thousand acres of land at any one time, if said cor-
poration is situated in Allegany county; nor more than five
hundred acres if in any other county; provided, that in Gar-