herein authorized or an attendance officer of the public schools
any employment permit or list required by these provisions
shall be prima facie evidence of illegal employment of any per-
son whose employment permit is not produced, or whose name
is not so listed. Any corporation or employer retaining any
employment permit in violation of these provisions shall be
fined ten ($10) dollars. Every person authorized to sign the em-
ployment permit prescribed in this act who knowingly certifies
to any materially false statement therein shall be fined not more
than fifty ($50) dollars. The chief of the Maryland bureau of
statistics and information or any member of the board of health
or principal health officer of any county or city outside of Bal-
timore city is hereby authorized to sign the employment permit
mentioned herein and to administer the necessary oath without
cost to the applicant.
1906, ch. 192.
10. The inspectors herein authorized and the attendance
officers of the public schools may visit any office, establish-
ment or place of business contemplated by this act throughout
the State of Maryland and city of Baltimore and ascertain
whether any minors are employed therein contrary to these
provisions, and they shall report any cases of such illegal
employment or other violations of this sub-title to the justice of
the peace having criminal jurisdiction in the locality where
such illegal employment or other violations of these occur, and
which justices of the peace shall have full authority to try and
determine all cases arising under this sub-title. Inspectors
herein authorized and the attendance officers of the public
schools may require that the employment permits and lists
herein provided for minors employed in any such office, estab-
lishment or business shall be produced for their inspection.
They shall also be authorized to require a birth certificate or
other record evidence of the date of birth of any child, which
they have reason to believe is being employed contrary to
these provisions to be produced by either parents, guardian or
custodian of said child, and in the absence of such record evi-
dence of the date of birth of such child, they may require an
affidavit from either parent, guardian or custodian of such
child as to its age, name, place and date of birth.