by the court or justice of the peace who imposed said fine to
the county jail of the county in which such conviction was
had for ten days.
1904, ch. 509. 1906, ch. 471 1/3, sec. 5.
55. No person, unless a bona fide resident of the State of
Maryland, shall shoot or trap Upon the waters of the Patuxent
river or any of its tributaries, or any of the marshes of said
river or tributaries, any wild goose, wild duck, snipe, ortolan,
reed bird or other birds or wild fowl without the written per-
mission of the owner of the land adjacent to such waters or
marshes, said right or permission to extend to and embrace
such portion of said waters and marshes as lie between the
lands of the adjacent proprietor and the middle thread of the
main channel of said river, upon extending the river frontage
of such proprietor at right angles with the course of said main
channel to the thread thereof, under a fine of not less than five
dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each violation of
this act, and the cost of any proceeding to enforce the same,
which may be recovered in the circuit court or before a justice
of the peace of the county in which such violation occurred;
one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer, if any, and
the remainder or whole thereof, as the case may be, to the
board of county school commissioners of such county, for the
use of the public schools thereof, and upon conviction and
failure to pay the fine imposed and cost of the proceedings, the
person so convicted shall be committed by the court or justice
who imposed said fine to the county jail for a period of ten
days; and no person shall shoot or hunt the game herein-
before mentioned with steam, gasoline, naphtha or other motor
launches under the penalties hereinbefore described.
Ibid. sec. 6.
58. It shall not be lawful for any person to shoot, catch or
kill any game on the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday,
and any person violating the provisions of this section shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be subjected to a fine of not less than twenty-five
dollars ($25. 00) or more than fifty dollars ($50. 00) and cost
for each bird or animal so shot, killed or caught, and in
default of said fine and cost to be confined in the county jail
for thirty days or until said fine and costs are paid unless
sooner released by operation of law.
Approved April 5, 1906.