Exclusive Jurisdiction of United
31. State's consent given to acquis-
ition by United States of land
for public buildings.
32. Jurisdiction ceded to United
States over such land; reser-
33. Such land to be exempt from
State, county or municipal
Exclusive Jurisdiction of United States.
1906, ch. 743, sec. 1.
31. The consent of the State of Maryland is given in accord-
ance with the seventeenth clause, eighth section of the first
article of the Constitution of the United States, to the acqui-
sition by the United States by purchase, condemnation or
otherwise of any land in this State required for sites for custom
houses, courthouses, postoffices, arsenals or other public build-
ings whatever, or for any other purposes of the government.
Ibid. sec. 2.
32. Exclusive jurisdiction in and over any land so acquired
by the United States ceded to the United States for all pur-
poses except the service upon such sites of all civil and criminal
process of the courts of this State, but the jurisdiction so
ceded shall continue no longer than the said United States
shall own such lands.
Ibid. sec. 3.
33. The jurisdiction ceded shall not vest until the United
States shall have acquired the title to said lands by purchase,
condemnation or otherwise; and so long as the said lands shall
remain the property of the United States when acquired as
aforesaid, and no longer, the same shall be and continue exempt
and exonerated from all State, county and municipal taxation,
assessment, or other charges which may be levied or imposed
under the authority of this State.
Approved April 5, 1906.