shall be a lien on the stocks therein held by such stockholders,
respectively, until paid, and in no case shall the stock of any
corporation, in the aggregate, be valued at less than the full
value of the real estate and chattels, real or personal, held by
or belonging to such corporation in the several counties and
city of Baltimore, whether the shares of said stock are quoted
on the market or not; in case of failure or refusal to comply
with this requirement the said bank or other incorporated insti-
tution shall be liable to the penalty hereinbefore prescribed;
and the president and cashier or treasurer of any such bank or
other incorporated institution failing to comply in every respect
with the provisions of this section shall be liable to indictment
therefor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than five hun-
dred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, in the discre-
tion of the court, and shall stand committed until such fine is
Approved March 13, 1906.
1906, ch. 467, secs. 1 and 2.
160. Any corporation having a capital stock divided into
shares, and owning as an investment of part of its capital any
of the stock debt of this State upon which the State tax has
been deducted by the treasurer, or of the stock debt of the city
of Baltimore on which the State taxes have been paid or are
payable by said city, or shares in any bank or other corporation
of this State upon which the State and county or city taxes are
levied and paid, or are payable by such bank or other corpora-
tion, may report the same in detail under the oath of the presi-
dent, cashier, treasurer or other proper officer, to the State tax
commissioner, and the amount of such stock debt or debts, or
the assessed value of such capital stock so owned, and upon
which such taxes are paid or payable as aforesaid, shall be
allowed as a credit, in the settlement of the taxes, or the shares
of capital stock of such corporation so owning the same; and
any corporation not having capital stock divided into shares,
and owning as an investment of part of its assets any of the
stock debt of this State upon which the State tax has been
deducted by the treasurer, or of the stock debt of the city of
Baltimore on which the State taxes have been paid or are paya-
ble by said city, or shares of the capital stock of any bank or
other corporation of this State, upon which the State and county
or city taxes are levied and paid, or are payable by such bank