126 OYSTERS. [ART. 72.
1906, ch. 711.
93. Such amended survey shall be filed in the offices of the
clerks of the circuit court for the counties in which the original
surveys hereinbefore provided are required to be filed, and
when so filed shall be conclusive evidence in all the courts of
this State as to whether the area embraced therein is or is not
a natural oyster bed, bar or rock.
94. Whenever a petition is filed in the circuit court for any
county, as authorized in section 91, the parties so petitioning
shall deposit twenty-five dollars, to be returned to the petition-
ers if the judge shall determine in favor of the petitioners; but
if the judge shall determine adversely to the petitioners, then
said sum to be applied, so far as necessary, to the payment of
costs incurred in the proceedings under said petition, and the
balance to be returned to said petitioners.
96. The said board shall be authorized to call to their assist-
ance the county surveyor of any county whenever in their judg-
ment his assistance is necessary, and shall pay him for his
services such compensation as is authorized by law for his
services in other proceedings.
96. The board of shell [fish] commissioners shall cause an
accurate survey of and delineation upon the maps and charts
aforesaid of all bottoms of the tributaries of the Chesapeake bay
where grass grows and it is profitable to scrape for soft shell
or shedder crabs, and shall have such bottoms properly desig-
nated by permanent objects on the shore, as provided herein-
before for natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, which said
crabbing sections shall be exempt from leasing for oyster
97. One of the steamers of the State fishery force shall be
kept in commission under the command of the deputy com-
mander, and subject to the control and direction of the com-
missioners from the first day of April in each year until the
first day of October following, to assist the board in the per-