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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 121   View pdf image (33K)
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provisions and limitations hereinafter set forth; but no corpora-
tion, or joint stock company shall be permitted to lease or take
up, or to acquire by assignment, or otherwise, any lands of the
State for oyster planting or cultivation. All natural beds or
bars shall be excluded from the operation of these provisions,
and no person shall be permitted to plant or cultivate oysters
thereupon, or in any way appropriate the same to his own use.

Shell Fish Commissioners.
1906, ch. 711. *

84. The board of shell fish commissioners of Maryland is
hereby created. The said board shall consist of three members,
one of whom shall be a resident of one of the tidewater counties
of the eastern shore of Maryland, another a resident of one of
the tidewater counties of the western shore, and the third a
resident of the city of Baltimore, and one of whom shall be a
member of the minority party at the time of their appointment.
The term of each of the members of said board shall be two
years from the first Monday in May after his appointment.
They shall be appointed by the board of public works of the
State of Maryland. No member of said board of shell fish
commissioners shall be in any manner interested in any land
leased or taken up for bedding, planting or cultivating oysters.
The acts and duties to be done and performed by said board
under this sub-title may be done and performed by two of said
commissioners, and in all cases the decision of a majority of the
commissioners shall be binding. One of said commissioners
shall be designated by the board of public works of the State
of Maryland as president, and his salary shall be two thousand
dollars a year. The salary of each of the other commissioners
shall be eighteen hundred dollars a year. The said commis-
sioners shall be allowed to employ a chief clerk upon a salary
of twelve hundred dollars a year, and such assistants, not
exceeding three in number, and not more than may be abso-
lutely needed for the performance of the work of the board, at
graded salaries, to be paid by the commissioners, not to exceed
one thousand dollars a year for any such assistants, as it may
deem necessary to aid it in the proper performance of its duties,
as prescribed herein. The said commissioners shall employ a
competent surveyor, who shall also be a hydrographic engineer,
upon a salary to be named by said commissioners, not exceed-

* Known as the Haman Oyster Bill.


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 121   View pdf image (33K)
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