and the said respective sums shall be paid by the treasurer,
upon the warrant of the comptroller to the persons or commis-
sions entitled to receive the same upon written orders, from time
to time, as such sums may be required. The building commis-
sion created by the act of 1902, chapter 332, to erect said
addition to the State house being hereby declared entitled to
receive the first-named sum; and the building commission
created by the act of 1900, chapter 326, being hereby declared
entitled to receive said sum of one hundred and forty thousand
dollars secondly above-named, and the board of trustees of the
fifth regiment armory, created by the act of 1898, chapter 459,
being hereby declared entitled to receive the sum of one hun-
dred and twenty thousand dollars, as hereinbefore provided,
and the board of managers of the Maryland house of correc-
tion being hereby declared entitled to receive the sum of ninety
thousand dollars hereinbefore provided.
1902, ch. 200.
11. If the purposes contemplated by sections 9 and 10 should
not demand an immediate sale of all the certificates provided for
thereby, the governor, comptroller of the treasury and treasurer,
or a majority of them, may issue advertisements from time to
time in accordance with the provisions of section three of the
act of 1902, chapter 200, for such part or parts of said loan
as may from time to time be required.
Ibid. 1904, ch. 343.
12. The county commissioners of this State and the mayor
and city council of Baltimore are directed to levy the State
taxes for the year 1902 and annually thereafter at three-
quarters of one cent on each one hundred dollars of assessable
property, to be collected according to law, to meet the. interest
and create a sinking fund for the redemption of the "State
Loan of 1902," created under the provisions of section 9.
1904, ch. 228.
13. The county commissioners of this State and the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, are directed to levy the State
taxes for the year 1904 at one cent on each one hundred dollars,
and annually thereafter at two cents on each one hundred
dollars of assessable property, to be collected according to law,
to meet the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemp-