preceding sections shall be deemed guilty of subornation of
Ibid, sec 228. 1860, art, 30, sec. 157. 1809. ch. 138, sec. 8
1894, ch. 262.
359. Every person who shall be convicted of perjury or
subornation of perjury shall be sentenced to imprisonment in
the jail or penitentiary for not more than ten years.
State v. Floto, 81 Md. 601.
Pneumatic Tire.
1896, ch. 437, secs. 1 and 2.
360. Whoever wilfully places or causes to be placed in or
upon any avenue, street, alley, road, highway or public way
any tack, nail, piece of iron, broken glass or other substance
which may injure, cut or puncture any pneumatic tire shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, to be tried before a justice of the
peace, and shall be fined not more than fifty dollars nor less
than five dollars, such fines to be collected as other fines are
collected, and when collected, to be paid into the road or street
fund of the county or municipal corporation in which they are
collected. This section shall not apply to Talbot or Wicomico
Poison—Attempting to.
1888, art. 27, sec. 229. 1860, art. 30, sec. 158. 1840, ch. 222.
361. Every person, his aiders, advisers or abettors who
shall be convicted of the crime of attempting to poison any
person shall be sentenced to undergo a confinement in the
penitentiary for not less than two nor more than ten years.
1902, ch. 586, sec. 1.
362. It shall be unlawful for any person, to retail any of
the following poisons: arsenic and its preparations, corrosive
sublimate, white precipitate, red precipitate, biniodide of mer-
cury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, strychnine and
all other poisonous vegetables, alkaloids and their salts,
essential oil of bitter almonds, opium and its preparations,
aconite, belladonna, colchicum, conium nux vomica, herbane,
savine, ergot, cotton-root, cantharides, creosote, digitalis and
their pharmaceutical preparations, cotton oil, chloroform, chloral
hydrate, sulphate of zinc, mineral acids, carbolic acid and oxalic