apart a portion of the car, coach or compartment assigned to
passengers of one color to passengers of the other color.
1904, ch. 109, sec. 7.
352. The provisions of the six preceding sections shall not
apply to employes of railroads, or to persons employed as
nurses, or to officers in charge of prisoners, whether the said
prisoners are white or colored, or both white and colored, or to
the prisoners in their custody, nor shall the same apply to the
transportation of passengers in any caboose car attached to a
freight train, nor to parlor nor sleeping cars, nor through express
trains that do no local business.
1904, ch. 110, sec. 1.
353. It shall be the duty of any captain, purser or other
officer in command of any steamboat carrying passengers and
plying in the waters within the jurisdiction of the State of
Maryland to assign white and colored passengers on said boats
to the respective locations they are to occupy as passengers
while on said boat; and it shall be the duty of said .captain,
purser or other officer in command to separate, as far as the
construction of his boat and due consideration for the comfort
of the passengers will permit, the white and colored passengers
on said boat in the sitting, sleeping and eating apartments;
provided, however, that no discrimination shall be made in the
quality and convenience of accommodation afforded passengers
in said locations; and provided, that this section and the two
succeeding sections shall not apply to nurses or attendants
traveling with their' employers, nor to officers in charge of pris-
oners, whether the said prisoners are white or colored, or both
white and colored, or to prisoners in their custody.
Ibid. sec. 2.
354. Any captain, purser or other officer in command of any
steamboat as aforesaid who shall refuse to carry out the provi-
sions of section 353 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon indictment in any court having jurisdiction, and con-
viction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars
and not more than fifty dollars for each offense.
Ibid, sec 3.
355. Any passenger traveling on any steamboat plying in
the waters within the jurisdiction of this State who shall wil-
fully refuse to occupy the location, whether of sitting, sleeping