the penitentiary for not less than five nor more than eighteen
Negroes—Fornication with.
1888, art. 27, sec. 218. 1860, art. 30, sec 151. 1715, ch. 44, sec. 25.
337. Any white woman who shall suffer or permit herself to
be got with child by a negro or mulatto, upon conviction thereof
in the court having criminal jurisdiction, either in the city or
county where such child was begotten or where the same was
born, shall be sentenced to the penitentiary for not less than
eighteen months nor more than five years.
Hemming v. Elliott, 66 Md. 200.
Obscene Publications.
Ibid. sec. 219. 1860, art. 30, sec. 78. 1853, ch. 183.
338. Whenever any newspaper or other periodical publica-
tion, printed, issued or published in this State shall contain
any obscene or licentious matter, whether the same be con-
tained in any professional or other advertisements or in any
other article, whether original, communicated or copied from
any other publication, every proprietor and publisher shall be
held to be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more
than two hundred dollars and imprisoned for not less than ten
days nor more than one year, in the discretion of the court in
which the conviction shall be had; and each successive number
of any newspaper or periodical containing any such obscene or
licentious matter shall be deemed a new publication thereof
and shall subject every proprietor and publisher to indictment
and punishment as for a distinct offense.
Nicholson v. State, 36 Md. xi.
Ibid. sec. 220. 1886, ch. 490 1894, ch. 271.
339. If any person shall bring or cause to be brought into
this State for sale or exhibition, or shall sell, lend, give away
or offer to give away, or show or have in his or her possession
with intent to sell or give away, or to exhibit, show, advertise
or otherwise offer for loan, gift, sale or distribution any lewd,
obscene or indecent book, magazine, pamphlet, newspaper,
story paper, writing paper, picture, card, drawing or photo-
graph, or any article or instrument of indecent or immoral
use, or shall design, copy, draw, photograph, print, utter,
publish or prepare such book, picture, cord, drawing, paper or
other article, or shall write or print or cause to be written or