ART. 23] CLASSES. 547
1888, art. 23, sec. 15. 1868, ch. 471, sec. 15.
16. Class 2. For the creation and maintenance of mechanics'
institutes, co-operative stores or societies, libraries, public read-
ing or lecture rooms, medical societies, public hotels, public
baths, dairy associations and agricultural or horticultural socie-
ties, fairs, or exhibitions, and companies for the packing of
fruits, vegetables and other things; provided, such corporations
are located in this State, and the property they possess or
acquire is located therein.
1892, ch. 670. 1894, ch. 420, sec. 1.
17. Glass 2 A. With the view of promoting, encouraging and
fostering agriculture in this State, the sum of five thousand
dollars is hereby appropriated annually for the purpose of aid-
ing the agricultural fair associations now existing, or those
which may hereafter be organized in this State, to be equally
divided among said fair associations and to be paid them by
the treasurer upon the warrant of the comptroller by said asso-
ciations complying with the provisions of section 17 Class 2 A
to section 17 Class 2 D, inclusive.
Ibid. sec. 2.
Class 2 B. Any county in this State, whose citizens shall
subscribe for and pay up a capital stock of not less than ten
thousand dollars, or shall acquire and pay for real estate and
improvements thereon to the value of not less than ten thou-
sand dollars, and shall be duly incorporated under the laws of
this State as a fair association, upon filing with the comptroller
a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation and the affi-
davit of the president of such association that the stock has
been fully paid up or acquired and paid for to the
amount herein required, shall be entitled to the benefits of sec-
tion 17 to 17 Class 2D; provided that but one association in
each county shall be entitled to the benefits derived under said
Ibid. sec. 3.
Class 2 C. No existing association or any which may here-
after be formed in this State, for the purpose of holding
agricultural fairs shall be entitled to the benefits of said sec-
tion, which has five hundred dollars surplus in its treasury,
or has, within the year preceding the application by it for the
payment of any share of the money hereby appropriated,
declared a dividend to its stockholders.