1888, art. 9, sec. 9. 1860, art. 10, sec. 10. 1795, ch. 56, sec. 3.
9. There shall be issued with every attachment a writ of
summons against the defendant and a declaration or short note,
expressing the plaintiffs cause of action, shall be filed, and a
copy thereof shall be sent with the writ to be set up at the
court house door by the sheriff, or other officer.
Smith v. Gilmor, 4 H. & J. 177. Trasher v Everhart, 3 G. & J. 234. Stone
v Magruder, 10 G. & J 385. Boarman v. Israel, 1 Gill, 379. Neptune Ins.
Co. v. Montell, 8 Gill, 232. Brent v Taylor, 6 Md. 69. Campbell v. Webb,
11 Md. 481. Spear v. Griffin, 23 Md. 429. Dean v. Oppenheimer, 25 Md. 368.
Mears v. Adreon, 31 Md. 236. Norris v. Graham, 33 Md 59. Browning v.
Pasquay, 35 Md. 294 DeBebian v Gola, 64 Md. 266. Randle v Hellen, 67
Md. 187.
Ibid. sec. 10. 1860, art. 10, sec. 11. 1715, ch. 40, secs. 3-7. 1778, ch 9, sec. 6
1835, ch 201, sec. 14.
10. Any kind of property or credits belonging to the defend-
ant, in the plaintiff's own hands, or in the hands of any one
else, may be attached; and credits may be attached which shall
not then be due.
Campbell v. Morris, 3 H. & McH. 535. Davidson v. Beatty, 3 H & McH.
617. Davidson v. Clayland, 1 H & J. 550 Louderman v. Wilson, 2 H & J.
379 Ford v. Philpot, 5 H. & J. 316. Poe v. St Mary's College, 4 Gill, 503.
Glenn v. Gill, 2 Md. 18. Mayor, &c v. Root, 8 Md 100 Robertson v. Beall,
10 Md 125 Peters v. Cunningham, 10 Md. 558 Wilson v. Carson, 12 Md.
74. O'Brien v. Norris, 16 Md. 122 B. & O R. R. Co. v. Wheeler, 18 Md.
379. Groome v Lewis, 23 Md 150 Troxall v. Applegarth, 24 Md. 183
Haidesty v Campbell, 29 Md 537. Horwitz v Ellinger, 31 Md. 74. Fust
Nat Bank v. Jaggers, 31 Md 50. Farmers & Merchants' Bank v Franklin
Bank,31Md. 412 Mackintosh v Corner, 33 Md. 598 Ginsburgv Pohl, 35 Md.
507 Williams v Jones, 38 Md. 556. Myer v. Liverpool Ins Co , 40 Md 595.
Early v Dorsett, 45 Md. 467 Wilson v Ridgley, 46 Md 247. Peoples Bank
v Shryock, 48 Md. 439. Mattingly v Grimes, 48 Md. 105 Odend'hal v.
Davlin, 48 Md 445 First Nat. Bank v Weckler, 52 Md. 40 Cruet v. Jen-
kins, 53 Md 225 Nicholson v Crook, 56 Md 55. O'Connell v Acker-man,
62 Md 337 Morton v Griffith, 68 Md 557
Ibid, sec 11. 1860, art 10, sec. 12. 1715, ch 40, secs. 3-7.
1854, ch. 75, sec. 1.
11. Every attachment issued under the preceding sections
shall contain a clause commanding the sheriff or other officer,
at the time of executing the said attachment, to make known
to each person in whose hands or possession the lands, tene-
ments, goods, chattels, and credits so attached are, if to him
it shall seem meet, to be and appear on the return of such
attachment before the court out of which it issued, to show