Containing references to the Public Local Laws of the several Counties
and the City of Baltimore relating to subjects covered by the several
Articles of the Public General Laws, and modifying the Public
General Law or declaring it inapplicable in whole or in
part to the Counties, or some one or more of them, or to
the City of Baltimore, or making local provisions
additional or supplemental to or repugnant
to the General Law upon the same sub-
jects, so that by examination of these
several Local Laws, the applica-
bility of the Public General
Law and the extent of
such applicability may
be ascertained.*
* The references in the Appendix are confined to the subjects covered by
the several Articles of the Public General Law and do not cover legislation
upon matters altogether local and special. Comparatively few of the Acts
thus referred to were passed as distinct amendments of specific Articles
of the Public General Laws, but rathei as additions to or substitutes for
existing Public Local Law. As, however, they relate to and cover subjects
embraced in Articles of the Public General Law, they are arranged in the
Appendix under the Articles of the Public General Law to which they
appropriately belong.