and the fines imposed, to be estimated by the said justice,
conditioned to prosecute his appeal to the circuit court; and
it shall be the duty of the justice taking the appeal bond
immediately to deliver the same to the officer who made the
arrest; and in case of forfeiture of the bond the said officer
may prosecute the same for his use and the use of those
engaged with him in making the arrest and seizure.
1888, art. 99, sec. 11. 1860, art. 98, sec. 11. 1860, ch. 109, sec. 10.
11. If resistance be made to the officer engaged in making
such arrest or seizure, such resistance shall be deemed a mis-
demeanor, presentable by the grand jury of the county, and
punishable in the circuit court therefor by fine and imprison-
ment as other misdemeanors are punished.
Ibid. sec. 12. 1860, art. 98, sec, 12. 1860, ch. 109, sec. 11.
12. After the payment of the costs of the prosecution of
the offenders, the balance arising from the fine and the sale of
the boat and other property hereinbefore mentioned shall be
divided and apportioned in the following manner: one-half to
the officer and those who assisted him in making the arrest
and seizure, and the balance to be paid over to the county
commissioners for the benefit of the school fund of the county.
The preceding sections shall not apply to Baltimore, Harford
or Cecil counties, as to which special provision is made in the
local laws thereof.
Birds and Game.
Ibid. sec. 13. 1860, art. 98, sec. 13. 1878, ch. 460. 1882, ch. 139.
1888, ch. 29. 1894, ch. 404. 1898, ch. 206. 1902, chs.
154, 157, 276, 288, 379, 618.
13. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill
any partridge or quail, English or Mongolian pheasant, Ameri-
can pheasant, ruffled grouse or wild turkey in Garrett county
between January first and November first, or any rabbit from
the first day of February to the first day of November in
Garrett or Allegany counties. No person shall catch or kill
any partridge or quail or wild turkey between January the first
and November the first, or any woodcock between January the
first and July the first, or any pheasant or ruffled grouse
between January the first and September the first in each and
every year. And no person shall shoot or in any manner catch
or kill any of the aforesaid birds or game animals in the
counties of Frederick, Baltimore, Prince George's, Calvert,