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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2090   View pdf image (33K)
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the greatest usefulness may result to the State and national
service. The said officers are authorized to print weekly and
monthly reports of the results and operations of said service
and to distribute the same in such a manner as they shall
deem most serviceable to the people of the State.

1892, ch. 329, sec. 3.

3. The sum of two thousand dollars annually, or so much
thereof as shall be necessary, is appropriated out of any funds
of the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this article, to be paid to said
officers, or to their order, by the treasurer upon the warrant
of the comptroller, and upon the vouchers of said officers; pro-
vided, however, that no part of said sum shall be paid for
salaries for any officer or officers, but a reasonable compen-
sation may be paid for printing and other necessary and proper
expenses of said officers.

Ibid. sec. 4.

4. Said officers shall report to the legislature at its regular
sessions their expenditures under the provisions of this article
and such other information as said officers may deem desir-
able, or as the legislature may require.



1, Standards.
2 Keeper of the standards
3. Bond.
4. Inspection; stamp.
5 Only stamped weights and meas-
ures to be used.
6. Scale beams
7. Attendance at places f or inspect-
ing; advertisement of time
and place.
8. Book to be kept.
9. Refusal to allow inspection;
10. False beams, scales or measures.

11. Use of weights or measures
altered since inspection or
condemned, penalty.
12. Compensation to standard
13. Fee for adjustment of scales or
14. Fines, one-half to informer,
other half to county.
15 Sections 1-15 not applicable to
Baltimore city nor to private
individual not in business

Dried Fruit.

16. Measures of.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 2090   View pdf image (33K)
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