attending meetings of the board or in attending to its necessary
business shall be paid, and the treasurer of the State is hereby
authorized and directed to pay to the president of said board
such sums not exceeding five hundred dollars in the aggregate
in any one year as he may demand for such necessary expenses.
And the said board shall further be allowed a sum not exceed-,
ing two hundred and fifty dollars to be used for the printing
of its report and for the purchase of such stationery and
supplies as it may need.
1900, ch. 679, "sec 4. 1904, ch. 540, sec 5.
4. The board shall hold regular meetings quarterly and may
hold adjourned, special or called meetings at any time in such
places within this State as may seem to it convenient and
expedient. It shall investigate and consider the whole system
of State aid to public and other institutions receiving aid in
this State. To this end it shall have power to make an investi-
gation at any time into the condition and management of any
institution financially aided by this State, and may demand
such information, statistical or otherwise, as it may desire
from the officers, directors or employes of such institutions;
or it may direct such an investigation to be made by a com-
mittee of its members or by its secretary. Within one week
after the convening of every regular session of the General
Assembly it shall furnish to the chairman of the finance com-
mittee of the senate and the ways and means committee of the
house of delegates a printed report of the condition of all the
institutions receiving financial aid from this State, and shall
further make such recommendations as to the appropriations
for such institutions as may seem wise and for the best
interests of this State, giving the reasons for such recommen-
dations as fully as may be practicable.
Ibid. sec. 6. Ibid. sec. 6.
5. The board shall appoint a competent person to act as its
secretary, who shall be paid for his services such compensation
not exceeding eighteen hundred dollars in any one year, as may
be agreed upon by the board. The secretary shall also be
allowed the reasonable rental of an office not to exceed four
hundred dollars a year and his reasonable traveling expenses
in attending to his duties; provided, that in no case shall the
total expenditure of the board and its secretary exceed the
amount appropriated to it each year. The said board shall