Chapter 8. Teachers.
1888, art. 77, sec. 48. 1872, ch. 377. 1904, ch. 584.
52. No person shall be employed as a teacher under this
article unless such person shall hold a certificate of qualifica-
tion (a) issued by the superintendent of the county in which
he or she proposes to teach; (b) a certificate from a principal
of a State normal school of Maryland, or of the principal of
the normal department of Washington college; (c) a diploma
of a State normal school of Maryland, or of the principal of
the normal department of Washington college; (d) a nprmal
school diploma of another State endorsed by the State super-
intendent of public education, or a diploma from the normal
department of a school or college of this State, recognized as
such by the State board of education; or (e) a certificate from
the State board of education, as herein provided.
School Board v. Wagaman, 84 Md. 161.
Ibid. sec. 49. 1872, ch. 377. 1902, ch. 460. 1904, ch. 584.
53. Principal teachers shall be appointed by the board of
district school trustees, subject to confirmation by the board of
county school commissioners; and said teachers may be
removed at any time said board of district school trustees may
think proper, after thirty days' notice in writing; provided
further, that the said board of district school trustees shall
furnish, in writing, when required by the teacher so notified,
the reasons for dismissal; provided, further, that the right of
appeal shall lie to the board of county school commissioners,
whose action in confirming or rejecting the action of the dis-
trict trustees shall be final.
Ibid. sec. 60. 1870, ch. 311. 1872, ch. 377, sub-ch. 8, sec. 3. 1874, ch. 463.
54. Teachers shall enter into their quarterly reports an
accurate account of the attendance of pupils, of text-books
used and branches taught, and such other statistics as may be
required, and make due returns thereof to the board of county
school commissioners at the end of each term; and no teacher
shall be entitled to receive payment for services until the quar-
terly report, properly filled up and completed, shall be so
returned. The quarterly reports shall be filed by the board of
county school commissioners for the purpose of making the
annual return to the State board of education.
School Commrs, v. Adams, 43 Md. 349.