ART. 72.] POTOMAC. 1601
either State; the legal authorities of either State shall have the
right to arrest any offender against said sections in the Potomac
river and to pursue such offender beyond the boundary line of
either State upon navigable waters and arrest him whenever
found upon such waters; and in all cases of arrest the offender
may be tried before such justice of the peace or court having
criminal jurisdiction which shall be convenient.
1894, ch. 380, sec. 55.
63. The penalties imposed by sections 59, 60 and 61 shall
be recovered before any justice of the peace of either State in
any county of either State, with the right to the State or the
defendant to appeal to the circuit court for the county in which
such cause has been tried, or to the criminal court of Balti-
more, if tried in Baltimore city, or in the Hustings court of
the city, if tried in a city of Virginia; the parties and vessels
charged may be arrested without warrant and carried before
any justice of the peace; the justice shall cause a guard to be
put upon the vessel and the parties charged to be confined in
jail or bailed; upon conviction the offender shall be committed
to jail until the fine is paid and the vessel shall be sold at
public auction by the sheriff of the county or city for cash
after ten days' notice; in case of appeal the appellant shall
remain in custody and the vessel shall be sold as above pro-
vided, unless recognizance be entered into for double the
amount of the fine and double the value of the vessel condi-
tioned for the performance of the final judgment of the court;
upon such recognizance being given, the party convicted and
the vessel shall be discharged.
1904, ch. 341, sec. 55 A.
64. It shall be lawful between October 1st of any year to June
1st of the year following, to take oysters of any size for the pur-
pose of planting in the waters of Maryland or Virginia in the
waters of the Potomac river above a line drawn from Cobb's
Point bar, on the Maryland side, to Colonial Beach, on the
Virginia side, but it shall be unlawful to take oysters in such
waters for any other purpose or at any other time than is herein
set forth, and any person taking oysters for any other purpose
or having them in his possession or exposing them for sole for
any purpose but that herein set forth, shall be deemed guilty
of an offense, and shall be punished by the imposition of the
penalties set out in section 65.