for tongers to pay for the privilege of taking oysters during a
full oyster season in any one year; and said license shall per-
mit such licensee to take or catch oysters in the Chesapeake bay
or in the Potomac river at any time that oysters are allowed to
be taken in said Chesapeake bay and Potomac river under the
provisions of the general oyster law of the State; and the
holder of such license shall be permitted to use the same in the
Patuxent river and its tributaries in St. Mary's, Calvert and
Charles counties, and in the tributaries of the Potomac river
of Charles and St. Mary's counties, from the first day of Octo-
ber until the first day of April in each year.
1904, ch. 522, sec. 4.
57. Any person holding a license on April 8, 1904, to take
or catch oysters in the Patuxent river and its tributaries, or the
tributaries of the Potomac river in St. Mary's, Charles or Cal-
vert counties, shall be permitted to use such license for the
full term for which they were granted.
Ibid. sec. 5.
58. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of
sections 54 to 57 shall be subject to the same penalties and
dealt with in the same manner as provided for in the general
oyster law of the State for taking or catching oysters during
the closed season or without license.
1894, ch. 380, sec. 51.
59. It shall not be lawful for any person to take or catch
oysters in any manner whatever in the waters of the Potomac
river unless he be a citizen of Maryland or Virginia and shall
have been a resident of the State of which he is a citizen for
twelve months immediately preceding. Any one violating this
section shall be subject to a fine of five hundred dollars; any
vessel in which oysters are taken contrary to this section shall
be forfeited and sold, one-half of the proceeds to go to the State
where convicted and the other half to the informer.
Ibid. sec. 52. 1904, ch. 341.
60. It shall not be lawful for any citizen of Maryland or
Virginia to take or catch oysters with a scoop, scrape or dredge
or any such instrument in the waters of the Potomac river
between the fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of
October of each year; it shall not be lawful for any citizen of