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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 141   View pdf image (33K)
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to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November
next, and in the City of Baltimore, on the fourth Wednesday
of October next. Each of the said Judges shall hold his office
for the term of fifteen years from the time of his election, and
until his successor is elected and qualified, or until he shall
have attained the age of seventy years, whichever may first
happen, and be re-eligible thereto until he shall have attained
the age of seventy years, and not after; but in case of any
Judge who shall attain the age of seventy years whilst in office,
such Judge may be continued in office by the General Assembly
for such further time as they may think fit, not to exceed the
term for which he was elected, by a resolution to be passed at
the session next preceding his attaining said age. In case of
the inability of any of said Judges to discharge his duties
with efficiency, by reason of continued sickness, or of physical
or mental infirmity, it shall be in the power of the General
Assembly, two-thirds of the members of each House concur-
ring, with the approval of the Governor, to retire said Judge
from office.

Sec. 4. Any Judge shall be removed from office by the
Governor, on conviction in a Court of Law, of incompetency,
of wilful neglect of duty, misbehavior in office or any other
crime, or on impeachment, according to this Constitution, or
the Laws of the State; or on the address of the General
Assembly, two-thirds of each House concurring in such
address, and the accused having been notified of the charges
against him, and having had opportunity of making his defence.

Sec. 5. After the election for Judges, to be held as above
mentioned, upon the expiration of the term, or in case of the
death, resignation, removal, or other disqualification of any
Judge, the Governor shall appoint a person duly qualified to
fill said office, who shall hold the same until the next general
election for members of the General Assembly, when a successor
shall be elected, whose tenure of office shall be the same, as
hereinbefore provided; but if the vacancy shall occur in the
city of Baltimore, the time of the election shall be the fourth
Wednesday in October following.

[Sec. 5. After the election for Judges, as hereinbefore pro--
vided, there shall be held in this State, in every fifteenth year
thereafter, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November
of such year, an election for Judges as herein provided; and
in case of death, resignation, removal or disqualification by


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 141   View pdf image (33K)
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