1. Oath; office.
2. Not to act before taking; penalty.
3. Accepting office under United
States government; penalty.
New Election Districts and New
Wards of Baltimore City.
4. Justices for new election dis-
tricts and new wards.
Civil Jurisdiction.
5. What Justice has jurisdiction.
6. To what cases it extends, proviso.
7. To what cases it does not ex-
8. Not to exercise in cases of tres-
pass where defendant claims
title to lands.
9. Extends to cases where adminis-
trators are parties; exception.
10. Denial of assets by administra-
11. Concurrent jurisdiction with cli-
cuit courts, when.
Criminal Jurisdiction.
12. Additional jurisdiction of jus-
tices in the State of Maryland
in certain criminal cases; ex-
13. Must be kept by justice; copies
to parties.
14. Failure to keep; penalty.
15. Index; penalty.
16. Delivery to clerk of court upon
vacation of office; penalty.
17. Delivery of docket in case of
death; penalty.
18. To be kept by clerks as other
19.' Process upon docket entry by
another justice of same
Process and Practice.
20. Blank summons not to issue ;
21. Process Issued in civil cases to
be summons.
22. Failure on part of defendant to
23. More than one defendant; ap-
pearance of some and non-
appearance of others.
24. Summons for witness.
25. Failure to appear; penalty.
26. Postponement.
27. Trial ex parte.
28. No special pleading.
29. Death or disqualification of jus-
30. Notice previous to return before
another justice.
31. Partnership; Incorporation, rep-
resentative character of par-
ties taken to be admitted un-
less specially denied; proviso.
Postponement for proof when