thereof, and thereupon if such person or persons so notified
shall not within ten (10) days after the notification destroy or
treat the same in accordance with regulations and rules of said
trustees, a copy of which will be sent on application to any
person, then said trustees shall through their officers, assist-
ants or employes, destroy or treat all such trees, plants, vines,
shrubs and grains, and the State officers shall file a statement
of the expenses of such destruction or treatment with the trus-
tees of said college, and said trustees shall transmit a copy of
such statement and account of such expenditure, with the usual
affidavit attached thereto to be made by the State officers, which
shall be sufficient evidence to prove the claim to the State's
attorney of the county where the owner of such premises resides,
and said attorney is directed to collect the same and account
to the trustees of the Maryland Agricultural College therefor.
1896, ch. 290, sec. 57. 1898, ch. 289.
58. It shall be the duty of said trustees to send the State
entomologist or the State pathologist or their duly authorized
assistants at least once a year into each county of the State for
the purpose of determining by inspection the healthfulness and
general condition of the horticultural and agricultural interests.
1898, ch. 289, sec. 58.
59. It is hereby also made the duty of the said board of
trustees, through the State entomologist and the State patholo-
gist or their duly authorized assistants, to inspect at least once
in every six (6) months all nurseries of trees, vines, shrubs
and plants subject to the aforesaid insects or diseases within
the State, and if found free, so far as con be determined by
inspection, from the aforesaid insects or diseases to give to the
owner or owners or persons in charge of said nurseries a
certificate of inspection showing such nurseries or premises to
be apparently free from such insects and diseases. If any of
the aforesaid insects or diseases should be found in any
nursery or orchard, or any premises within the State where
nursery stock is grown, the aforesaid officers shall cause to be
destroyed or treated such portion of such nursery stock or
other trees or plants as in their opinion may be necessary, and
shall release all other nursery stock grown upon said premises,
and issue a certificate of inspection to the owner or owners as
herein provided for; and if such infested or diseased trees,
vines, plants or shrubs be destroyed by the aforesaid officers,