16. Married woman may appoint
attorney to act for her.
17. Landlord may levy rent by dis-
tress against a married woman,
lessee, as if she were feme sole.
Re-entry for non-payment of
18. Married woman, as grantee or
lessee of deeds of real estate
or chattels real, competent to
bind herself as if she were
feme sole by covenant running
with or relating to such estate.
19. Husband in action to recover in
right of his wife after her
death may declare how the
right accrued to his wife and
devolved on him.
20. Married woman may contract
with husband or form copart-
nership with him or with
others. Her liability on such
21. Husband liable for debts validly
contracted by wife in his
name as at common law.
1888, art. 45, sec. 1. 1892, ch. 267. 1898, ch. 457.
1. The property, real and personal, belonging to a woman
at the time of her marriage, and all the property which she
may acquire or receive after her marriage, by purchase, gift,
grant, devise, bequest, descent, in the course of distribution,
by her own skill, labor or personal exertions, or in any other
manner, shall be protected from the debts of the husband, and
not in any way be liable for the payment thereof; provided,
that no acquisition of property passing to the wife from the
husband after coverture shall be valid if the same has been
made or granted to her in prejudice of the rights of his sub-
sisting creditors, who, however, must assert their claims within
three years after the acquisition of the property by the wife,
or be absolutely barred, and, for the purpose of asserting their
rights under this section, claims of .creditors of the husband
not yet due and matured shall be considered as due and
State v Krebs, 6 H. & J. 31 Carroll v. Lee, 3 G. & J 504. Levering v.
Heighe, 2 Md. Ch. 81 Ibid., 3 Md. Ch 370. Wylie v. Basil, 4 Md Ch 327.
Cronise v Clark, 4 Md. Ch. 403. Stevens v. Reigart, 1 Gill, 1 Ware v
Richardson, 3 Md 505. Peacock v. Pembroke, 4 Md. 280. Crane v Gough,
4 Md 316 Turton v. Turton, 6 Md. 376. Bowie v Stonestreet, 6 Md. 418.
Logan v. McGill, 8 Md 461. Stockett v. Holliday, 9 Md. 480 Unger v.
Price, 9 Md 552. Taggart v Boldin, 10 Md. 104. Hutchins v. Dixon, 11
Md. 29. Edelen v Edelen, 11 Md. 415. Bond's Ex'r v. Conway, 11 Md
512 Schindel v. Schindel, 12 Md. 108. Ibid., 12 Md. 294 Chew's Admis.
v. Beall, 13 Md 348 Bridges v McKenna, 14 Md. 266. Gover v Owens,
16 Md. 92. Lyday v. Douple, 17 Md. 190. Mut. Ins. Co v. Deale, 18 Md.
47. Lawes v Lumpkin, 18 Md. 334. Jones v. Jones, 18 Md. 467 Stockett
v. Bird, 18 Md. 485 Weems v. Weems, 19 Md. 334. Buchanan v. Turner,
26 Md. 1. Niller v. Johnson, 27 Md. 6. Kuhn v. Stansfleld, 28 Md 210