the purpose hereinbefore stated, which sum may be retained
by said board for said purposes, and the balance of said surplus
paid by the treasurer of said board into the State treasury.
1904, chap. 226, sec. 12.
181. Upon the report of a member of the State board of
examiners, duly appointed as herein provided, or a member of
a sub-board of examiners in a city or village of the State, that
a barber shop is in an unsanitary condition, said State board
of examiners shall be empowered to call upon the State or
local board of health to declare such shop a public nuisance,
and should the proprietor of said shop fail to abolish said
nuisance within a period of thirty days after a notice to do so
by either the State or local board of health, the board of
examiners provided for in this sub-title shall be empowered to
call upon the aforesaid board to abolish the aforesaid public
Ibid. sec. 13.
182. To shave, trim the beard or cut the hair of any person
for hire or reward received by the person performing such
service, or any other person, shall be construed as practising
the occupation of a barber within the meaning of this sub-
title, which provisions shall not in any way apply to or
affect any person who is now occupied or working as a barber
in this State, nor any person employed in a barber shop, or an
apprentice, except that a person so employed less than three
years prior to April 1, 1904, shall be considered an apprentice,
and at the expiration of such three years of such employment
shall be subject to the provisions of this sub-title.
Ibid. sec. 14.
183. Any person violating any of the provisions of this sub-
title shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten
dollars or imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not
less than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
NOTE—See ante Article 27, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-title
NOTE—1902, ch. 160, though framed as a Public General Law, was by an.
amendment to Section 14, made applicable only to Baltimore city. It is,
therefore omitted, as is 1904, ch. 389, repealing and re-enacting Sections 1,
8 and 9 of 1902, ch. 160.