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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 1220   View pdf image (33K)
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1220 HEALTH. [ART. 43

the consumptive, and to insure the safety of the people of the
State of Maryland, the said local board of health shall issue an
order on the State board of health in favor of the attending
physician for the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, to
be paid by the State board of health out of a fund herein-
after provided. If the precautions taken by the attending phy-
sician are, in the opinion of the local board of health, not such
as will remove all reasonable danger or probability of danger
to the persons occupying the said house or apartment, the local
board of health shall return to the attending physician the re-
port blank with a letter specifying the additional precautions
which they shall require him to take; and the said attending phy-
sician shall immediately take the additional precautions specified
and shall record and return the same on the original report
blank to the local board of health. It shall further be the duty
of the local board of health to transmit to the physician report-
ing any case of pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis a printed
requisition, from which shall be prepared by the State board
of health and issued in sufficient number to any local board of
health upon due requisition of the latter. Upon this requisition
blank shall be named the materials kept on hand by the local
board of health for the prevention of the spread of the disease,
and it shall be the duty of the State board of health to pur-
chase such supplies as it may deem necessary from the fund
hereinafter provided, and to supply them to any local board
of health upon due requisition of the latter. Any physician
may return a duly signed requisition to the local board of health
for such of the specified materials and in such amount as he
may deem necessary in preventing the spread of the disease,
and all local boards of health shall honor, as far as possible, a
requisition signed by the attending physician in such case. It
shall be the duty of every local board of health to transmit to
every physician reporting any case of pulmonary or laryngeal
tuberculosis, or to the person reported as suffering from this
disease, provided the latter has no attending physician, a cir-
cular of information prepared and printed by the State board
of health and which shall be furnished in sufficient quantity to
every local board of health on due requisition of the latter.
This circular of information shall inform the consumptive of
the best methods of cure of his disease and of the precautions
necessary to avoid transmitting the disease to others.


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The Maryland Code Public General Laws, 1904
Volume 393, Page 1220   View pdf image (33K)
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