For presentation and demand of payment of a promis-
sory note, a bill of exchange, if payment of same be
made to the notary ........... $1 00
1688, art. 36, sec. 23. 1860, art. 38, sec. 22. 1844, ch. 196, sec. 1.
1862, ch. 100.
23. Every notary public shall in the first week of January,
April, July and October, in each year, pay to the treasurer of
the State the one-half of all the fees received by him for pro-
test; and on failure to comply with the requirements of this
section, he shall forfeit in each case the sum of fifty dollars, to
be collected and paid for the use of the State.
Ibid. sec. 24. 1860, art. 38, sec. 23. 1845, ch. 133. 1862, ch. 113.
24. Every notary public, before he shall be commissioned
or authorized to discharge the duties of his office, shall give
bond to the State of Maryland with security to be approved by
the governor in the penalty of six thousand dollars, if appointed
for the city of Baltimore, and in the penalty of two thousand
dollars if appointed for any county, conditioned for the pay-
ment into the treasury of that portion of the notarial fees
received by him for the use of the State; and if any person
appointed a notary public shall neglect or refuse to give such
bond within thirty days from the date of his appointment, the
governor shall appoint some other person in his place.
Ibid. sec. 25. 1860, art. 38, sec. 24. 1844, ch. 196, sec. 2.
25. Every notary public shall at the time of making the
payment herein required to be made into the treasury, accom-
pany such payment by a statement under oath showing the
number of protests made by him and the fees received therefor.
Ibid. sec. 26. 1860, art, 38, sec 25. 1858, ch 133. 1861, ch. 67. 1864,
ch 137 1878, ch. 173.
26. The three preceding sections shall not apply to notaries
in any of the counties, unless the fees on protests in any one
year shall exceed the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars,
nor to notaries in the city of Baltimore, unless the fees on pro-
tests in any one year shall exceed the sum of five hundred
dollars; and whenever the fees as aforesaid shall exceed in
any of the counties the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars,
or shall exceed in the city of Baltimore the sum of five hundred
dollars, one-half of the surplus shall be paid to the treasurer
of the State.