on or before the first day in June in each year, to the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office; and it shall be the duty of the judges
of the Circuit Court for the counties and the judge of the
Superior Court of Baltimore City to enforce this section by
such fines and penalties as they may provide, and any failure to
comply with the requirements of sections 54 and 55 by any of
said clerks shall be a contempt of court.
37. Authorized to settle claims of
the State against certain pub-
lic officials which accrued
prior to 1st January, 1890.
Proviso. Approval of Gov-
ernor and Treasurer necessary.
Supervision of Expenditures of
Corporations Receiving Appro-
priations from the State.
41. Charitable and other corpora-
tions receiving State appro-
priations shall annually file
with the Comptroller itemized
statement, showing how such
appropriations have been
spent. Comptroller to exam-
ine their financial condition.
42. No part of appropriation to be
applied to purchase of land
or erection of buildings.
1900, ch. 656.
37. The Comptroller is authorized and empowered to adjust
and settle the claims of the State against all collectors, sheriffs,
clerks of courts, registers of wills, and other collectors or
receivers of public moneys and their securities, and against
corporations and individuals who may be indebted to the State,
in all cases where said claims accrued prior to and including the
year 1898, and whether said claims be in the form of judgment
or otherwise; and for the purpose of closing all such cases, the
Comptroller is fully authorized to compromise the same by
abating the interest that has accrued, or any portion thereof, or
any part of the principal debt in his discretion, so as to best
subserve the interest of the State, and shall grant discharges to
the said parties and their securities, upon the payment into the
treasury of the amount required by him to be paid in the settle-