the tax levied upon the interest warranted to be paid in advance,
or will he require the same to be paid by the mortgagor or any
person for him during the existence of said mortgage; and upon
the assignment of any mortgage in this State, which mortgage
was executed after the thirtieth day of March, in the year 1896,
except for the purpose of foreclosure, the party to whom it is
assigned, his agent or attorney, shall take the oath or affirmation
in this section prescribed, to be recorded with said assignment,
and no such mortgage shall be valid except as between the parties
thereto, unless the said oath or affirmation is endorsed thereon;
provided, that for the assignment of mortgages executed prior to
said last-mentioned date and containing any covenant or cove-
nants of the character prescribed in 14: 6 o of this article, no oath
or affirmation shall be required.
1898, ch. 501.
146 D-1. Any person or corporation lending money on mort-
gage upon property in this State, their agent or attorney, in addi-
tion to the usual oath, (or solemn affirmation, if such person,
«gent or attorney be conscientiously scrupulous of taking au
oath, ) as to the bona fides of the consideration, shall take an oath,
or make solemn affirmation, to be endorsed upon the mortgage
and to follow immediately after the aforementioned oath or
affirmation, as follows: "And also make oath on the Holy
Evangel of Almighty God (or does solemnly and truly declare
and affirm) that he has not required the mortgagor, his agent or
attorney, or any person for the said mortgagor, to pay the tax
levied upon the interest covenanted to be paid, in advance, nor
will he require the same to be paid by the mortgagor, or any
person for him during the existence of this mortgage, " and upon
the assignment of any mortgage in this State, except for the
purpose of foreclosure, the party to whom it is assigned shall
take the oath in this section prescribed, to be recorded with said
assignment, and no mortgage shall be valid except as between the
parties thereto, unless the said oath or affirmation is endorsed
1896, ch. 120.
146s. It shall be the duty of the clerks of the circuit courts
for the several counties of this State, and the clerk of the