a notice that the same is mixed or impure is marked, printed or
stamped upon each package, roll, parcel or vessel containing the
same, so as to be and remain at all times readily visible, or unless
the person purchasing the same is fully informed by the seller of
the true name and ingredients (if other than such as are known
by the common name thereof, ) of such article of food or drink
at the time of making sale thereof or offering to sell the same.
1890, ch. 604.
80. No person shall mix. any glucose, grape sugar or other
article of adulteration with any syrup, honey or sugar intended
for human food, or any oleomargarine, suine, beef fat, lard or any
other foreign substance with any butter, cheese intended for
human food, nor mix or mingle any glucose, grape sugar, oleo-
margarine or other adulterant with any article of food or dietetics
without distinctly marking, stamping or labeling the article or the
package containing the same, with the true and appropriate name
of such adulterant, and the percentage in which it is used for the
purpose of adulteration, or enters into the composition of the
article so adulterated; nor shall any person sell, offer for sale, or
permit to be sold or offered for sale any article of food or drink
or dietetics into the composition of which any adulterant has
entered, without at the same time informing the buyer of the
fact and the proportion in which such adulterant has been used;
provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to pre-
vent the use of glucose or grape sugar in the manufacture of
81. No person shall adulterate or sophisticate any wine,
vinegar, spirituous or malt liquors used or intended for drink or
dietetic purposes by mixing the same in the manufacture or pre-
paration thereof or otherwise, with any deleterious drug, sub-
stance or liquid which is poisonous or injurious to health; and
no person shall use or offer for sale or import into this State for
sale, any wine, vinegar, spirituous or malt liquor intended to be
used for drink or dietetic purposes knowing the same to be adult-
erated or in any way sophisticated.
82. It any person shall fraudulently adulterate for the pur-
pose of sale, or shall sell or offer for sale any substance intended