1892, ch. 296.
40. From and after the first Tuesday in June eighteen
hundred and ninety-two, there shall be and continue to be two
separate boards of medical examiners for the State of Maryland,
one representing medical and Chirurgical faculty of the State of
Maryland, and one representing the Maryland State Homeopathic
Medical Society of the State of Maryland. Each board shall
consist of seven members, and each of said members shall serve
for a term of four years, or until their successors are appointed
and qualified, each board to have exclusive right to examine,
pass upon the qualifications of, and licence its own applicants,
said members of the first or old school board to be appointed by
the medical and Chirurgical faculty of Maryland, of which two
shall be from the counties of the eastern shore, and five from
the western shore of which latter members two shall be from the
counties west of the Blue Ridge mountains; and said second or
homeopathic board to be composed of seven physicians appointed
by the Maryland State Homeopathic Medical Society, of which,
three shall be resident of Baltimore, and four of the State at
large; the appointees shall be physicians actually engaged in the
practise of medicine, and of recognized ability and honor; the
term of office of each board shall commence on the first Tuesday
in June, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. No member of any
college or university, and no physician, having a pecuniary
interest in the trade of pharmacy, shall be appointed to serve as
a member of either of said boards; vacancies occurring in such
for unexpired terms shall be filled by the board, in accordance
with the foregoing provisions of this section, and for expired
term in same manner as for first appointees.
41. Each board of medical examiners shall meet within
thirty days after receiving official notice of their appointment.
At the first meeting of each of the boards respectively, an
organization shall be effected by the election, from their own
membership, of a president and secretary, for the purpose of
examining applicants for license; each of said boards of medical
examiners shall hold one or more stated or special meetings in
each year, due notice of which shall be made public, at such