institution over which he or she may have control or supervision,
or on the premises thereof, is sick with or convalescing from
small-pox, cholera, yellow fever, typhus or typhoid fever, scarlet
fever, leprosy or any other contagious, or infectious disease,
the said owner, proprietor, manager or other person having
charge, shall immediately give notice thereof in writing to the
health officer of the city or town in which the infected house or
premises is located, or to the secretary of the State board of
health, if there is no local health officer who can efficiently deal
with the case; said notice shall state the name and place of resi-
dence of the person sick, the name of the disease, the name of
the owner, proprietor or manager of the house, and the locality
of said house; and it shall be the duty of the local or State
health officer, as the case may be, to take such steps and do such
things as may be necessary to render effective the provisions of
sections 15 to 24, both inclusive.
1890, ch. 622.
341. Any person or persons who shall neglect or refuse to
comply with the provisions of the two foregoing sections shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction
thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not more
than fifty dollars for every such offense.
34 K. In any town, village or other place in this State, where
no special health department has been established or constituted
by the charter or other act of incorporation of any such town or
village, or in case the sanitary law or regulations in places where
boards of health or health officers exist, should be inoperative,
the State board of health shall make such regulations respecting
nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness as they shall
judge necessary for the public health and safety.
34L. The said board of health shall also make such regula-
tions as they may deem necessary for the public health and safety,
respecting any articles which are capable of containing or con-
veying any infection or contagion, or creating any sickness, or
for the disinfecting of any house, room or premises where con-