gious diseases, the localities in which they live, the disease with
which they are affected, together with the date and the names
of the persons reporting any such cases, and the record of quar-
antine, isolation, disinfection and other preventive measures.
The board of health shall give the school boards of their respect-
ive counties, cities or towns immediate information of all cases
of infectious or contagious disease reported to them, according to
the provision of this sub-title.
1898, ch. 436.
34 D. When any board of -health has had notice of the occur-
rence within its sanitary jurisdiction of a case of small-pox, or
any other contagious or infections disease dangerous to public
health, such board of health shall, within twenty-four hours after
the receipt of such notice, notify the State board of health of the
34 E. All questions of doubt concerning the cause or nature of
any sickness believed or suspected to be of an infectious or con-
tagious character, shall be referred to the State board of health;
and the said board shall be authorized to employ a competent
bacteriologist to conduct inquiries in the nature, source and vehi-
cles of infections disease. The services of the bacteriologist of
the State board of health shall be free to all local boards of
health and to all practising physicians in the State, for such
inquiries concerning infectious and contagious diseases as the said
board may from time to time direct, and to the State vaccine
agent for testing vaccine virus; and the sum of twenty-five hun-
dred dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
shall be paid by the treasurer of the State upon the warrant of
the comptroller at such times and in such sums as may be
authorized by the State board of health upon presentation of the
proper vouchers for expenses.
34 F. Every person not a legally qualified physician, practising
as mid-wife or acting as attendant upon woman in child-bed in
this State, who shall find any lying-in-woman to have fever, shall
forthwith notify the health officer of the district, and shall refrain