322. HEALTH. [ART. 43
ing in his possession on the last day of the month next proceed-
ing; provided, that the State registrar may, in the event of
unusual sickness or mortality or for the purpose of legal or
legislative inquiry, require, of any local / registrar, returns at
shorter intervals.
1898, ch 312.
6 E. In all cases of death where no physician was in attend-
ance, the coroner, undertaker or other person in charge of the
interment of such dead body, shall make record, as far as
possible, of the facts required in a certificate of death, and shall
forward the same to the nearest registrar or sub-registrar, within
five days. In all cases of death from small-pox, yellow fever,
diphtheria, scarlet fever or other contagious or infectious disease
dangerous to public health, the certificates of death shall be for-
warded immediately, and interment shall be conducted in accord-
ance with the rules of the State board of health.
6 F. Application for a permit to disinter a human body shall
be made by the presentation to the local registrar of a certificate
of death properly made and containing the facts required by law
for record of a death. Upon receipt of such certificate the
registrar shall issue a permit for the disinterment. No disinter-
ment of the body of any deceased person during the months of
July and August shall be issued, except when required for the
purpose of a legal investigation; nor shall any such permit be
issued in cases where death was caused by infectious or conta-
gions disease except by permission and under the direction of the
local board of health.
6 G. Every mid-wife who shall have professional charge of the
mother at the birth of any child where no physician is in attend-
ance, shall within the four days next succeeding the birth,
furnish the registrar or sub-registrar of the town or district
wherein such birth shall have taken place, a certificate, stating,
from the best information which can be obtained, the name, if
such a child has a name, the place and date of birth, its sex, the
name of the father and the maiden name of the mother, the