ART. 41] GOVERNOR. 315
15. Governor to proclaim names of
persons elected as electors of
president, vice-president and
also as members of Congress.
23 Repealed by act of 1890, ch. 122.
24. Appropriation for payment of
clerical help employed by the
Governor in election business
before department.
1890, ch. 67.
15- The Governor upon receiving the returns of election for
electors to choose a president and vice-president of the United
States and for members to represent this State in the congress of
the United States, shall enumerate and ascertain the number of
votes given for each person voted for as an elector and member
of congress respectively, and shall thereupon declare by procla-
mation signed by him, the name or names of the person or
persons duly elected, and shall cause such proclamation to be
inserted in such newspapers as he may direct.
1890, ch. 122.
23. Repealed.
1892, ch. 825. 1896, ch. 259.
24. The Governor is authorized and empowered to employ
such clerical help as may be necessary to assist in the executive
department in preparing and attending to such election business
as is now, or may hereafter by law be assigned to that depart-
ment, or to the Secretary of State; and the sum of two thousand
dollars per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the treasury, not
otherwise appropriated, for the payment of such clerical help.