291. Terrapins less than five Inches in
292. Molesting eggs.
293. Who may catch terrapins in the
waters of this State.
294. Violations of four preceding sec-
tions; penalty; disposition to
he made of fine; how collected.
295. Possession; its effect as evidence.
296. Arrest.
297. In what cases misdemeanor; pen-
298 Citizens of, are body corporate;
name; corporate powers, seal.
299. Commissioners; qualifications;
term; election, electors.
300 Commissioners to he judges of
election, oath as judge of elec-
tion; oath as commissioner, cer-
301 President.
302. Meetings, when and where to he
held; vacancies, how filled.
303. Boundaries of town.
304. Clerk; record of ordinances, to
be open for inspection; copies
of ordinances to be posted.
305. General powers of commission-
ers; taxes.
306. Collector of taxes
307. Expenses not to exceed amount
308. Bailiff.
309. Powers in regard to streets, foot-
ways, sidewalks and bridges;
condemnation; proceedings; ap-
310. Election of commissioners; tie
311. Failure to meet or to hold elec-
312. Streets and sidewalks to he kept
in order; Bailiff's powers as
supervisor of roads.
313. Dogs; recovery of penalties.
314. When ordinances shall be bind-
ing upon non-residents.
315. Geese, pigs or hogs running at
316. Keeping geese or swine within-
the town, impounding geese or
swine, proceedings.
Wild Fowl.
317. Shooting wild fowl on Hooper's,
island, where and by whom,
318. Violations of preceding section;
penalty; money to go to public-
schools, appeal; appeal bond.
319. Shooting wild fowl in Honga
river and Tar bay; where and.
by whom lawful.
320. Shooting wild fowl in Choptank
river or tributaries; when and.
by whom lawful.