35. What and when unlawful to kill;
molesting eggs or n ests
36. Penalties, non-payment of fine a
separate offence.
37. Shooting by non-residents, license
required; cost of license, clerk's
fee; penalty for shooting with-
out license.
38. Fines to go to use of public schools
and road"
39. Constables to enforce section 37
40. To whom section 37 not appli-
41. Inhabitants of, a body corporate;
name; corporate powers; seal.
42. Limits of.
43. Bridge connecting East and West
Cambridge to be maintained by
the county.
44. Wards, their number and bounda-
46. Payment by county commissioners
to town commissioners, how to
be raised, to what to be applied.
46. Board of police commissioners,
how constituted; to serve with-
out pay; appointment of police-
men; regulations in regard to
police force; pay of policemen,
bailiff, constables and sheriff
not relieved from any duty
47. Duties of police; hearing of per-
sons arrested on Sabbath, on
other days; before whom and
when to be had.
48. Appropriations to pay policemen.
49. Town commissioners, their term
of office and necessary qualifi-
60. Electors; election, when and how
to be held.
61. Town commissioners to appoint
judges of election; their num-
ber and political sentiments;
commissioners to designate poll-
ing places; publication of names
of judges of election and desig-
nated polling places; in case of
failure of town commissioners
to do this, to be done by clerk;
if there be not time to give ten
days' notice, five days' notice to
be given.
52. Oath to be taken by judges of elec-
tion; failure to qualify and act;
penalty, who to hold election in
case of failure of one or more
judges to attend.
63. Count of ballots; result to be cer-
tified under oath to commis-
sioners, persons having greatest
number of votes to be elected;
certificates to be recorded, bal-
lots to be preserved.
54. Vacancy in office of commissioners,
how filled
55. Oath to be taken by commissioners;,
certificate of qualification.
56. Meetings, when to be held; pay
57. Mayor.
58. Duties of mayor.
59. Town clerk; also to act as treas-
urer, his bond; pay; oath; cer-
tificate of oath.
60. Bailiffs; appointment; duties; pay.
61. Removals from office; filling va-
62. Oath to be taken by bailiff.
63. Bailiff's bond.
64. Powers of commissioners.
65. Assessment; taxes.
66. Oath to be taken by assessors; cer-
tificate of oath; publication of
names of assessors.
67. Sittings to correct assessment.
68. Property liable to assessment, but
not on books.
69. Exemption from taxation of plant
used in manufacturing.
70. Tax list to be made out, warrant
to bailiff; account to each per-
son named in list, of taxes pay-
able by him; collection by dis-
tress; advertisement of sale;