256. Violations of preceding sections;
257. Blinds, trespassing upon
258. Proceeds of fines and licenses.
259. Licenses, when to begin and how
long to last; but one blind per
season to any one person.
260. West and Rhode rivers, shooting
in; whence to be done.
261. West and Rhode rivers, on what
days of the week shooting may
be done.
262. Violations of sections 260 and
261; penalty,
263. Prosecutions under this sub-title
Baltimore and Drum Point Rail-
road Company.
264-274 Subscription to capital stock
P. L. L., (1860, ) art. 2, sec. 1.
1. The county commissioners of Anne Arundel county, at
their first meeting in the month of March in each year shall
appoint five discreet and proper persons to be trustees of the
poor for said county.
Ibid. Bee. 2.
2. The clerk of the county commissioners shall, within five
days after such appointment, deliver to the sheriff of the county
a certificate of the appointment of each of the said trustees,
endorsing one of them for each; and the sheriff shall, within six
days thereafter, deliver one of the certificates to each of them,
agreeably to the endorsement thereon.
Ibid. sec. S.
3. The said trustees, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars,
shall accept said office, and shall meet at the almshouse in said
county on the second Monday of April next ensuing, (unless
prevented by sickness or other unavoidable accident, and in such
case as soon thereafter as the disability shall be removed, ) and
qualify by taking the following oath: " I, A. B., do swear that
I will duly and faithfully discharge the duties and trusts com-
mitted to me as trustee for the poor for Anne Arundel county,
according to the best of my skill and knowledge, BO help me
God; " which oath shall be administered by any one of said trus-
tees to the others, any one of whom being sworn may administer
the same to him.
Ibid. sec. 4.
4. All vacancies happening by non-acceptance, death, resigna-
tion or removal out of the county, or disqualification of any of