with the necessary requirements of this sub-title of this article to
enable him to take or kill the same, shall be considered prima
facie evidence of the violation of the provisions of this sub-
title of this article.
1888, ch. 352.
43. One-half of all fines collected by any justice of the peace
in said county, for a violation of any of the provisions of this sub-
title of this article, shall be paid by said justice of the peace to
the board of school commissioners for the benefit of the public
schools of said county, and the other half to the informer.
44. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county, and the
constables of the several districts thereof, to arrest any person
violating any of the provisions of this sub-title of this article, and
take him before the nearest justice of the peace, to be dealt with
as hereinbefore directed.
P. L. L., (I860,) art. 9, sec. 29.
45. The judge of the circuit court for Charles county shall
suppress any license for the retail of ardent spirits at or in the
village of Charlotte Hall, or within two miles thereof, upon the
recommendation of a majority of the trustees of Charlotte Hall
academy stating that they believe the retailing bf liquor at such
place to be injurious to the interests of said academy.
Ibid. sec. 80.
46. The clerk of the circuit court shall not issue license to
retail ardent spirits at any place within the limits prescribed in
the preceding section, at which a license to retail the same has-
been previously suppressed, except upon the consent, in writing,
of a majority of the trustees of Charlotte Hall academy, desig-
nating the place at which and the person to whom such license-
may be granted.
1868, ch. 439.
47. There shall be two regular terms of the circuit courts for
the several counties of Charles, Calvert, St. Marys and Prince